Who is an Entrepreneur?
An Entrepreneur is a person who knows what to do,
when to do it (timing) and figures out how to do it.

An Entrepreneur in Christ then, is a business person with a ‘market-place ministry’ call upon their life. He or she understands that there is a higher purpose to doing business, which is to preach the message of God’s Kingdom and to bring glory to the Father in heaven, through the respective entrepreneurial giftings and platforms they have been graced with.

Entrepreneurship becomes a medium through which
they can reach the lost and spread the love of Jesus.


There are three foundational pillars from which the objectives of Entrepreneurs in Christ have been shaped from:


Our goal at Entrepreneurs in Christ is to create a system of mentorship and apprenticeship where skilled and experienced entrepreneurs are willing to volunteer their time to impart knowledge, mentor and build up the incoming generation of inexperienced entrepreneurs in their respective industries.

The average Nigerian youth graduates from the university, completes the mandatory service year and spend the next few months, in some cases years searching tirelessly for a job. Most of them become restless, pick-up blue-collar jobs and even illegal activities to make ends meet.

They venture into these types of jobs to raise capital for small businesses. Unfortunately, they lack the appropriate guidance and mentorship whilst navigating their early years in business.

EIC mentorship platform seeks connect young savvy business people with more seasoned business leaders to ensure they are guided accordingly. If you are willing to take your business to the next level, our mentorship platform.


: Our goal is to create a strong support system for marketplace ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We realize that there are well established organizations that support the pulpit ministry of believer such as PFN, CAN etc, in Nigeria and Africa at large.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a specific catering to marketplace ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Greater impact in the marketplace requires these ministers to be well connected and well supported to each the lost who may never find their ways into the church.

At EIC, we seek to create that network that enables the flow of ministry gifts in the corporate world.

Sustaining a daily support system of God-fearing believers who choose to do business with Christ-centered values; choosing to eschew evil in the context of a corrupt system and most importantly encourage and uplift each other in the way of the Lord.


A key realization of the marketplace minister of the gospel is to come to the awareness that every blessing comes from God through men to men. EIC seeks to be that platform to fund any kingdom initiative that is der to the heat of God.

We are passionate about sponsoring crusades in the furthermost part of the earth; dedicated to funding missionary trips and finally, we are committed to the buildup of the temple of God. (Both the physical church building and the person’s body, Acts 7:48).

Raising a network of Entrepreneurs who are willing to yield their resources to the work of building the kingdom of God in other cities and nations as the need arises.

Raising a network of Entrepreneurs who are willing to yield their resources to the work of building the kingdom of God in other cities and nations as the need arises.


  • Kingdom Finance
  • Prayer Ministry
  • Evangelical Ministry (Soul Winning)
  • Helps Ministry (Gift of Service)
  • Outreach Ministry
  • Click here to read more!