Sponsor a Disciple

One of the principles we believe in and uphold fervently at E.I.C
is the need for mentorship in business.

Most often business owners acknowledge their pastors as their spiritual mentor but are totally ignorant when it comes to
signing up with a business mentor or coach who can take their business to the next level.

An effective marketplace minister of the gospel needs to have a thriving business that affords him or her the flexibility to do good to as many people as are stakeholders in his or her business – Christ being the pattern man went about doing good with the anointing He had received while on the earth (Acts 10:38). We find a lot of the market place ministers in developing countries, venture into business out of necessity and not because they are entrepreneurs themselves.
Much rather, there are no companies offering gainful employment and so they gather startup capital and venture into various business ventures that look the most promising. The leadership at E.I.C acknowledges the harsh reality these market place ministers face and we believe we have a duty to educate and encourage them along the path they have been subjected to.

Oftentimes, these economic conditions are exacerbated by the threat of survival every new business face in a tough political and economic climate. We believe the best support these young entrepreneurs need is in the area of mentorship. Hence, we have a relentless commitment to pair young promising entrepreneurs with seasoned business leaders in the same industry who can strengthen their hands, fire up their courage and confirm their faith in God to uphold them through the formative years in business.

We welcome new mentors and mentees onto our platform on a daily basis.
The requirements to qualify for either of these positions are listed below.


Start A Business-Fellowship for Similar Entrepreneurs in Your Vicinity or Industry.


    Start A Business-Fellowship for Similar Entrepreneurs in Your Vicinity or Industry.